How to Calculate Child Support and Spousal Support in Germany

This support calculator lets you determine spousal support and child support based on the "Düsseldorfer Tabelle" (2014 - 2025)), which is a guideline that regulates such payments in Germany. Not every case will be compatible with this calculator. For an accurate calculation that will take into account your individual circumstances check out our lawyer directory or please contakt bilingual English-speaking family lawyer:

How to use the calculator for support payments:

Key in information about the spouses

The income of a spouse comprises her or his net income and, if applicable, other forms of income. The amounts must be entered for each spouse. The support-relevant net income is the result of the earned income minus a fixed deduction for work-related costs, usually around 5%. The relevant net income is further reduced for the benefit of the working spouse ("Erwerbstätigenbonus"), depending on the jurisdiction. You can decide if you want to calculate spousal support. Select or unselect the checkbox marked "Calculate spousal support" in the calculator. Select or deselect whether the equal-ranking support in the distribution is to be taken into account. If "Calculate spousal support" is selected and the appropriate income and child support requirements allow it, a prior ranking demand for the dependent spouse may be applied in the calculation.

Key in information about the children that are entitled to child support

Child support can be calculated for a maximum of 4 children. Enter the age of each dependent child or remove it. Children who are already married are generally not entitled to maintenance and are not included in the support calculation. Regardless of age, you can select for each child whether they already live in their own home with their own household. If the child receives an (income) (e.g. training remuneration, interest income from capital assets), the creditable portion must be entered. "Additional deamnds" (e.g. schooling fees, kindergarten fees, piano lessons) can also be taken into account. It is possible to indicate whether children between 18 and 21 years old are still attending a primary and secondary education. For children up to the age of 17 you have to indicate the parent, with whom the child predominantly lives or Both ("Wechselmodell"). In the case of "Both" you have to indicate which parent receives the child benefit. If necessary, other additional demands (e.g. kindergarten costs) or the costs of private health insurance can be entered for each dependent child.

Underlying data for support calculation
Calculation of support depending on place of jurisdiction:
Basis of Assessment corresponding to 'Düsseldorfer Tabelle':
Consider equal ranking support in the distribution:
Calculate spousal support:
Consider prior ranking demand when calculating spousal support: Not available

Entries for support calculation
Husband: Wife:
Net income from employment:
Additional income:
Additional demands:
1. Child: 2. Child: 3. Child: 4. Child:
Age: Y. Y. Y. Y.
Child benefit receiver:
Own Houshold:
Training related demand:
Additional demand:
Private health insurance:

Results of support calculation
Husband: Wife:
Support: Adjustment: Support: Adjustment:
1. Child (8 Years):
2. Child (5 Years):
Spousal support payments:
Sum of support payments:
Income relevant to support:
Support adjusted income:
Discount/Surcharge 'Düsseldorfer Tabelle':

Retention corresponding to 'Düsseldorfer Tabelle', Status: 2025
Dependent: Responsible for support:
employed not employed
Minor or privileged adult child
(necessary retention):
1450 1200
Adult child or for additional demand
(appropriate retention):
1750 1750
(appropriate marital retention):
1600 1475

More Data on support demands to 'Düsseldorfer Tabelle', Status: 2025
Minimum need for the dependent spouse: 1200
Support demand for children with their own household: 990
Flat rate deduction for training related demand: 100

How to read the calculator results

In this support calculator the amount of support to be received by one spouse will be marked positive (in brackets). The same amount, to be paid out by the other spouse, will be then marked negative (in brackets). The sum of all support obligations/claims is calculated and indicated separately for each spouse.

Notes on the results of the support calculator

The following special cases can occur during the support calculation, which are displayed in red as a note to the result:

More Data on support demands to "Düsseldorfer Tabelle"

The different amounts are displayed depending on the selected year in the lower table in the support calculator 2025. After selecting the year and selecting [Calculate], the table is updated.

Calculation of support

Guidelines for support demands

After a separation or divorce, the less earning spouse can, in principle, demand spousal support (post-marital support or separation support). This is based on the support-relevant net income. The spouse who takes care of the minor children can claim child support. Since January 1, 2008, a new ranking of dependents with regards to the right to support has been established: minors now have priority. This applies to adult children but still attending school, so-called privileged adult children. In principle, both parents are always liable to pay cash support to privileged adult and adult children as well as for minor children with their own home (household) or in the alternating model ("Wechselmodell"). For the calculation of the monthly support entitlement, the current "Düsseldorfer Tabelle" is the basis for assessment. In the event where not all claims of the dependents can be paid by the providing spouse without undersupplying his/her own income after deductions, special regulations will apply. The deductible amount is also calculated using the "Düsseldorfer Tabelle". Any other support obligations which are to be granted in addition to child support or spousal support are not taken into account in this support calculator.

Support-relevant net income

The net income of both spouses is taken into account when calculating both child and spousal support. The support-relevant net income is usually lower than the net income, due to the deduction of other payables such as taxes, health and unemployment insurance, etc. For this support calculator 2025, a flat-rate deduction is made for work-related expenses. The amount depends on the competent higher regional court selected:

  • 5% flat-rate deduction from net income without limit:
    Higher Regional Courts (OLG) with southern German guidelines (Bamberg, Karlsruhe, Munich, Nuremberg, Stuttgart, Zweibrücken) as well as Brandenburg, Celle, Naumburg and Schleswig
  • 5% flat-rate deduction from net income, but only a maximum of € 150:
    Court of Appeal (KG) Berlin, Higher Regional Courts (OLG) Braunschweig, Dresden, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Jena, Koblenz, Oldenburg and Saarbrücken
  • No flat-rate deduction from net income:
    Higher Regional Courts (OLG) Bremen, Cologne, Hamburg, Hamm and Rostock
In contrast to some guidelines of the higher regional courts, the lower flat-rate deduction is not limited in this support calculator 2025. Has the taxpayer income from capital assets or from non-employment, this share is added to the deductible income as additional income without deduction. For the exact calculation, while also taking into consideration special cases such as deficiency ("Mangelfall"), it would be wise to discuss the facts of your individual case with a lawyer.

Discount and surcharge for persons subject to support

The "Düsseldorfer Tabelle" suggests that amounts are calculated in such a way that the one under obligation to pay alimony has two dependents. If the number of dependents for whom a spouse has to pay child support or spousal support is greater than two then a supplement will apply and in the other case of the number of dependents being less than two, a discount will apply. Whether a discount or supplement is granted, child support is calculated from a higher or lower income level from the "Düsselforfer Tabelle". The discount or surcharge determined in the support calculation discount or supplement is displayed in the result of the support calculator.

Calculation of child support

Calculation of support for a minor child

Minors are classified as children under the age of 18. The child depends on the mother or father for basic needs such as food etc. The parent (mother or father) which is responsible for his or her support by means of care and education is generally not required to pay cash. The basis for the calculation of child support for minors depends on the support-relevant net income of the non-child bearing, non-supervising parent and also the age of the child. Taking the discounts or surcharges into account, the child support is calculated from the current "Düsseldorfer Tabelle". In this case, the state child benefit is paid to the supervising parent and, if applicable, an income earned by a child is split between both parents in the calculation. A supplementary supplement is to be paid pro-rata by both parents according to their ability to pay the support for minors. If the child is not co-insured in a statutory health insurance, then additional health and long-term care insurance premiums may be payable by the main provider. These additional payments are not taken into account in the calculation of this support.

Calculation of support for an adult child

Adult children are classified as 18 years or over. Whereas children under the age of 21 who are still attending a general school (for example, gymnasium) are classified as privileged adult children and are equal to minor children. In the case of adult children, both parents are always required to pay cash. The support amount for the adult child is based on the eligible total net income of the parents, which is used as the reference value for the income level in the "Düsseldorfer Tabelle" while excluding discounts or surcharges. A supplementary requirement increases the need for support. If the adult child is not covered by statutory health insurance, additional supplementary health and long-term care insurance contributions are added. The provision of food, whether it is from the mother or father is not important or relevant in the calculation of the child support. The state child benefit and, if necessary, an income of the child will be included in full in the calculation. If both parents are capable to pay, the remaining child support is distributed to both parents in proportion to the net income that is relevant to support. If only one parent is capable to pay by these calculations, the parent’s support-relevant net income is used as the reference value for the calculation of the child support, while also taking into account any relevant deductions or surcharges from the “Düsseldorf Tabelle”. If the appropriate retention are taken from the deductible net income of the dependent parent after subtraction of all cash support obligations, the child support for non-privileged minor children will be correspondingly reduced in the support calculator.

Support calculation and the alternating model ("Wechselmodell")

The alternating model ("Wechselmodell") can only be implemented for minor children. If no focus of the actual care of an minor child can be determined, i.e. both parents take care in almost equal parts, a alternating model ("Wechselmodell") exists. Under the alternating model ("Wechselmodell"), the liability shares for child support are calculated for both parents according to their ability to pay, as in the case of support calculation for adult children. The necessary deductible for minors or privileged adult children is taken into account. One parent receives the child benefit. From the difference between the support obligations and taking into account who receives the child benefit ("mother" or "father"), a compensation payment is calculated, which one parent has to pay to the other parent.

Support calculation for children with their own household

If the child lives in its own home with its own household, both parents must also pay support for minor children on a pro rata basis according to their ability to pay. The amount of the support claim is determined independently of the parents' income and is the same for underage, privileged adult and adult children. The order of priority and the consideration of the retention ("Selbstbehalt") for underage, privileged adult or adult children does not change. The current amount of support entitlement for children with their own home is also determined in the "Düsseldorfer Tabelle" and is displayed in the table in the support calculator depending on the year selected.

Support calculation for children with their own income

If the child has their own income, the support claim is reduced accordingly. This applies to income from gainful employment (e.g. training allowance) as well as income from capital assets. A child's imputed income reduces the support burden of both parents in the case of both minor children and adult children. For children in training (apprenticeship), additional training-related expenses (e.g. travel costs) can be taken into account in the amount of the currently valid flat-rate deduction. A higher education-related additional need must be plausibly justified. In any case, the income is reduced by the additional training-related demands. If the training-related additional demands exceed the child's income, the difference is added to the other additional demands. The current amount of the valid flat-rate deduction is displayed in the table in the support calculator depending on the year selected.

Child support and additional demands of a child

The support entitlement in the support tables of the "Düsseldorfer Tabelle" is tailored to the basic needs of a child, such as accommodation, food and clothing. If additional demands are regularly incurred on top of this, additional demands can also be claimed. A distinction must be made between educational demand, additional demands for the costs of private health insurance and other additional demands (e.g. kindergarten costs). Additional demands are taken into account differently when calculating child support: If the child has his or her own income, this is reduced by the education-related additional demands when calculating maintenance. Special rules apply to private health insurance. In any case, the other additional demands for all dependent children must be paid by both parents in proportion to their ability to pay, provided that the appropriate deductible (personal needs) is not undercut.

Child support and private health insurance for the child

If the child is co-insured in a private health insurance and there is no alternating model ("Wechselmodell"), additional health and long-term care insurance contributions for minor children are to be paid solely by the person liable for cash support. The income of the person liable for child support is reduced by these additional insurance costs to be paid as long as the necessary retention ("Selbstbehalt") is not undercut. The share of private health insurance that cannot be covered is added to the other additional demands. In the case of adult children or minor children in the alternating model, these health insurance costs are also added to the other additional demands.

Consideration of equal-ranking support in distribution

In this support calculator 2025, you can set whether or not the equal-ranking child support should also be deducted from the support-relevant net income of the debtor before the distribution of joint support obligations. However, this option is only available if there are support obligations for at least 2 children of equal rank. Depending on the income situation and child support requirements, the selected setting can lead to different results when calculating child support.

Deficiency case in the support calculation

An absolute deficiency case occurs when the income of the dependent is incapable of meeting the necessary personal needs and the support entitlements of the minor and privileged children. The amount of necessary (deductibles) are provided by the "Düsseldorfer Tabelle" for each non-employed or employed person. In the event of a deficiency, this support calculator distributes the available distribution mass to the dependents in relation to the amount of their support entitlements. In the event of a deficiency case, further special regulations apply, which are not covered in detail in the support calculator.

Calculation of spousal support

Separation support and post marital support

In the case of spousal support, a distinction is made between separation support and post-marital support. The subsequent support takes effect after the legally binding divorce and can be limited in time, whereas the support provided throughout the separation period may be indefinite. As a rule, support payments do not differ between both these periods of separation and post-marital. The basis for the calculation of the spousal support is the support-relevant net income of both the dependent and independent parties. In this support calculator support claims of a subordinated divorced spouse or parents are not taken into account.

Employee bonus for the calculation of spousal support

In this support calculator, it is assumed that the disposable income is obtained from full employment but also other income is applicable too for e.g. housing benefit, interest income from capital assets and income from non-employment. The principle of separation is fundamental to the calculation of spousal support. The principle by law states that each spouse is entitled to half of the combined overall support-relevant net income. However, in the calculation of the spousal support, an employee’s bonus is taken into account for each spouse, which is intended as an incentive to gain full employment. If a spouse also provides child support for a dependent child, the support-relevant net income is adjusted before the employment bonus is considered in the calculation for the child support. In southern Germany and in the OLG district of Naumburg, the employment bonus is 1/10. In all other OLG districts, the employment bonus is 1/7 until the selected year 2020 and also 1/10 from 2024. Between the selected years 2021 and 2023, the employment bonus depends on the selected OLG district. The employment bonus of 1/7 combined with the principle of division leads to the 3/7 regulation: the spouse’s pension is 3/7 of the difference from the remaining income. The differences in calculation methods are due to a historical significance and do not affect the end result which is identical for both methods.

Entitlement to spousal support (separation support or post-marital support)

If the remaining adjusted income of the spouse liable for support is less than that of the spouse entitled to support, there is no entitlement to spousal support (separation support or post-marital support). However, the wife or husband is entitled to support if they have less than the minimum requirement available to them and the spouse obliged to pay support does not fall short of the reasonable, fair retention "Selbstbehalt" appropriate to the marriage. The amount of the minimum requirement is displayed in the support calculator 2025 for the year currently selected and corresponds to the necessary Retention ("Selbstbehalt") of a non-employed person liable to pay support to the minor or privileged adult children. The maintenance payments for the children of full age are reduced if necessary so that the spouse (wife or husband) liable to pay maintenance does not fall below the reasonable amount of maintenance appropriate to the marriage.

Consider prior ranking demand when calculating spousal support

Whether the prior ranking demand when calculating for spousal support is taken into account, the courts judge differently depending on the given circumstances. In this support calculator, the priority need for spousal support can be applied to the adult children in the spousal support calculation. However, this option is available only if the following conditions are met:

  • There is a support demand of at least one adult child
  • There is a claim for spousal support
  • The sum of the calculated spousal support and the support-relevant net income of the spouse entitled to support is below the appropriate Retention ("Selbstbehalt")
  • The entitlement to spousal support does not only arise by covering the minimum need level of the spouse entitled to support
If the prior ranking demand when calculating for spousal support is taken into account, the maintenance claim to be paid is limited by the fact that the sum of the calculated spousal support and the support-relevant net income of the spouse entitled to support does not exceed the appropriate Retention ("Selbstbehalt").

Retention ("Selbstbehalt") in calculating support

Retention ("Selbstbehalt") in calculating child support

A minor child (under 18 years old) or a privileged adult child (above 18 years old, still attending school, still living with parents) has priority over a non-privileged adult child and the dependent spouse. When a minor or a privileged adult child is in need of support, the retention amount depends on whether the person responsible for paying the support is employed. The support payment to a non-privileged adult child takes lower priority than that of the spouse. This calculator first determines the support for minors, privileged adult children, and the spouse, before determining the support for non-privileged adult children. The non-privileged adult child support is determined by calculating the difference between the relevant net income and the above payments. If the payments to the minor, privileged and spousal parties end up being insufficient, the child support for the non-privileged adult child will be reduced.

Retention ("Selbstbehalt") in calculating spousal support

If the providing spouse ends up with a amount that is less than the appropriate marital retention after the child support of the minor and the privileged adult children is considered in the calculation, the spousal support is reduced. In this case, the support payments for the adult children are cancelled, so that the appropriate marital retention for the providing spouse is guaranteed.

Nodes and restrictions on calculation of support payments:

The German family law basis for support calculations

Civil Code (BGB)

This support calculator takes into account the provisions of the German Civil Code (BGB), the relevant provisions then apply to the individual’s calculation of child support or spousal support.

§ 1603 Capacity::
Support obligations, taking into account a necessary or appropriate retention ("Selbstbehalt").

§ 1606 Sentences of several responsive for support::
Parents obligations to care for their minor children.

§ 1609 Ranking of several dependents::
Ranking of the support payments to the dependents in the event of a deficiency in the support of the retention.

§ 1612b Coverage of needs by child benefit::
Consideration of child benefit for a minor, privileged adult or adult child.

Guidelines for the Higher Regional Court (Oberlandesgericht, OLG):

In addition to the statutory requirements, guidelines are issued on the most uniform jurisprudence within one or more Higher Regional Court districts ("OLG Bezirke"). The competent higher regional court (Oberlandesgericht, OLG) depends on the general place of residence of the dependent. In southern Germany, the maintenance law guidelines of the family senates (SüdL) is valid. In this support calculator these support guidelines will be implemented to the extent that they contain specifications for the calculation of child support and spousal support.

Higher regional court (Oberlandesgericht, OLG) with South German Guidelines (SüdL):

  • OLG-Bezirk: Oberlandesgericht Bamberg
  • OLG-Bezirk: Oberlandesgericht Karlsruhe
  • OLG-Bezirk: Oberlandesgericht München
  • OLG-Bezirk: Oberlandesgericht Nürnberg
  • OLG-Bezirk: Oberlandesgericht Stuttgart
  • OLG-Bezirk: Oberlandesgericht Zweibrücken

In the leading legal journal for the entire field of family law FamRZ you will find the Maintaining legal guidelines of the higher regional courts from 2010 - 2025.

“Düsseldorfer Tabelle”

In this support calculator, the currently selected "Düsseldorfer Tabelle" represents the basis for the support calculation. This is based on the existence of two dependents as a basis. In a case concerning a different number of dependents, this will be taken into account and discounts or surcharges will be made during the calculation.

Special features of the maintenance calculation based on the Düsseldorfer Tabelle from 2022 onwards

The "Düsseldorfer Tabelle" 2022 was published on December 12, 2021. A significant change is that the assessment basis for child support and spousal support has been adjusted for higher incomes. Until 2021, 10 income groups were established with a maximum support-relevant net income of €5500 as of 2018. A higher income of the dependent did not further increase child maintenance or spousal maintenance. With the publication of the "Düsseldorfer Tabelle" 2022, 15 income groups with a maximum support-relevant net income of €11000 will be set in the future. The effects are incorporated in the support calculator 2025 when selecting the year 2022 and for all subsequent years.

Special features of the “Düsseldorfer Tabelle” 2015 and 2019

During the year 2015 and 2019, the “Düsseldorfer Tabelle” was updated once again on 2015/08/01 and in 2019 on 2019/09/01. Only the last updated tables are used when selecting the year 2019 or 2015. Due to explicit legal regulations, the child support amounts from 2014 are to be used as the basis for calculating the payment amount for 2015. This special feature is taken into account when calculating child support in this child support calculator. This table is only considered when the year 2015 support

Guidelines by the Federal Court of Justice (BGH)

Some specific cases regarding child and spousal support are decided by the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) and are therefore legally binding. These requirements are not considered in this support calculator. They refer to specific circumstances of living conditions, in particular some deficiency or degradation of a living condition.